
Let’s add user-defined functions! To do this, we need:

  • static checking

  • calling conventions

  • tail recursion

Defining Functions


def incr(x):
    x + 1


There is a function definition followed by a single main expression that is evaluated to the result.

def fac(n):
    let t = print(n) in
    if n < 1:
        n * fac(n - 1)



Functions are top-level and named (and not first-class).

def fac(n):
    let t = print(n),
        r =
        if n < 1:
            n * fac(n - 1)



And support mutual recursion!

def even(n):
    if (n == 0):
        odd(n - 1)

def odd(n):
    if (n == 0):
        even(n - 1)

let t0 = print(even(0)),
    t1 = print(even(1)),
    t2 = print(even(2)),
    t3 = print(even(3))




We need a special type that represents places where variables are bound:

data Bind a = Bind Id a

A Bind is basically an Id (str) decorated with some metadata a

We use these in 2 places:
  • let-bindings

  • function parameters


Now, a program is a list of declarations followed by an expression.

data Program a = Prog
    { pDecls :: [Decl a],
      pBody  :: !(Expr a) }

data Decl a = Decl
    { fName  :: (Bind a),  -- name
      fArgs  :: [Bind a],  -- params
      fBody  :: (Expr a),  -- body expression
      fLabel :: a }        -- metadata

data Expr a =
    | Let (Bind a) (Expr a) (Expr a) a
    | App Id       [Expr a]          a
An app/call comprises:
  • an Id (name of func being called)

  • a list of expressions corresponding to the parameters

  • metadata

Static Checking

We should do this to point out code errors at compile time. It’s called static checking because it’s done without compiling and running the code.

For example, we should check:
  • are variables we try and use defined?

  • are functions we try and use defined?

  • do function apps have the right amount of args?

And if they fail, we should fail with a useful message. Also, all the errors!


data UserError = Error
    { eMsg  :: !Text,
      eSpan :: !SourceSpan }
    deriving (Show, Typeable)

instance Exception [UserError]  -- we can throw an array of usererrors!

-- making errors
mkError :: Text -> SourceSpan -> Error
mkError msg l = Error msg l

abort :: UserError -> a
abort e = throw [e]

-- displaying errors
renderErrors :: [UserError] -> IO Text
-- should take an error annotated with sourcespan and output a pretty message!

-- putting it all together
main :: IO ()
main = runCompiler `catch` esHandle

esHandle :: [UserError] -> IO ()
esHandle es = renderErrors es >>= hPutStrLn stderr >> exitFailure


Text =Parse> BareP =Check> BareP =Norm> AnfP =Tag> AnfTagP =CodeGen> Asm

type BareP   = Program SourceSpan
type AnfP    = Program SourceSpan
type AnfTagP = Program (SourceSpan, Tag)

Catching Multiple Errors

We should return as many errors as possible in one go.

So, we’ll write a function that recursively walks over the entire program, and returns a list of all errors. If the list is empty, it’s all good, otherwise throw!

check :: BareProgram -> BareProgram
check p = case wellFormed p of
    [] -> p
    es -> throw es

wellFormed :: BareProgram -> [UserError]
wellFormed (Prog ds e)
    = duplicateFunErrors ds
    ++ concatMap (wellFormedD fEnv) ds
    ++ wellFormedE fEnv emptyEnv e
        fEnv = fromListEnv [(bindId f, length xs)
                            | Decl f xs _ _ <- ds]
wellFormed does:
  • creates a map fEnv from function names to arity (num args)

  • computes the errors for each declaration given fEnv

  • concatenates the resulting list of errors

Example: let’s look for unbound variables and undefined functions.

wellFormedD :: FunEnv -> BareDecl -> [UserError]
wellFormedD fEnv (Decl _ xs e _) = wellFormedE fEnv vEnv e
        vEnv = addsEnv xs emptyEnv
and wellFormedE takes the function parameters and list of declared functions, and traverses the expression:
  • at each Let x e1 e2, add x to vEnv and check e2

  • at each var use Id x, check if the x is in vEnv and if not, create an error

  • at each call App f es, check if the function is in fEnv

wellFormedE :: FunEnv -> Env -> Bare -> [UserError]
wellFormedE fEnv vEnv0 e = go vEnv0 e
        gos vEnv es               = concatMap (go vEnv) es
        go _ (Boolean {})         = []
        go _ (Number n l)         = []
        go vEnv (Id x l)          = unboundVarErrors vEnv x l
        go vEnv (Prim1 _ e _)     = go vEnv e
        go vEnv (Prim2 _ e1 e2 _) = gos vEnv [e1, e2]
        go vEnv (If e1 e2 e3 _)   = gos vEnv [e1, e2, e3]
        go vEnv (Let x e1 e2 _)   = go vEnv e1
                                 ++ go (addEnv x vEnv) e2
        go vEnv (App f es l)      = unboundFunErrors fEnv f l
                                 ++ gos vEnv es

Quiz: -> C

Quiz: -> C (or E if you care about arg names being the same as func names)

Quiz: -> B

Quiz: -> A


Text =Parse> BareP =Check> BareP =Norm> AnfP =Tag> AnfTagP =CodeGen> Asm

type BareP   = Program SourceSpan
type AnfP    = Program SourceSpan
type AnfTagP = Program (SourceSpan, Tag)


Now, the tag phase needs to tag function bodies too.


Also, each body of each function is normalized to ANF. Additionally, the arguments to function calls need to be in immediate form.


So now, how do we compile definitions and calls?

  • Definitions: each definition is compiled into a labeled block of Asm that implements the body.

  • Calls: each call of f(args) will execute the block labeled f
    • what about parameters?

We need to use the stack to pass parameters (EBP + 4 * (n + 1)) and store local vars (EBP - 4 * n)

Note that params are at 4 * (n+1) because the return address is at EBP+4.

So, we need to:
  • ensure that esp and ebp are properly managed

  • compile the Body with initial Env mapping parameters to -2, -3, etc (i.e. -(n+1))


  • Before the call, push the parameter values onto the stack in reverse order

  • Call the appropriate function using its label

  • After the call, clear the stack by incrementing esp (to get rid of the parameters)


data Label =
    | DefFun Id         -- asm label for functions

data Arg =
    | Sized Size Arg    -- sized arg

data Sized = DWordPtr   -- usually everything is just a double word


-- compiles Programs, Decls, and Exprs respectively
compileProg :: AnfTagP -> Asm
compileDecl :: AnfTagD -> Asm
compileExpr :: Env -> AnfTagE -> Asm

compileBody :: Env -> AnfTagE -> Asm    -- helper to manage the C calling convention
compileProg :: AnfTagP -> Asm
compileProg (Prog ds e)
    = compileBody emptyEnv e
    ++ concatMap compileDecl ds     -- the labels come after the main!

-- decl
compileDecl :: AnfTagD -> Asm
compileDecl (Decl f xs e _)
    = ILabel (DefFun (bindId f))
    : compileBody (paramsEnv xs) e

paramsEnv :: [Bind a] -> Env
paramsEnv xs = fromListEnv (zip xids [-2, -3..])
        xids = map bindId xs

-- body
compileBody :: Env -> AnfTagE -> Asm
compileBody env e
    = entryCode e
    ++ compileExpr env e
    ++ exitCode
    ++ [IRet]

entryCode :: AnfTagE -> Asm
entryCode e = [ IPush (Reg EBP),
                IMov (Reg EBP) (Reg ESP),
                ISub (Reg ESP) (Const 4 * n) ]
        n = countVars e

exitCode :: Asm
exitCode = [ IMov (Reg ESP) (Reg EBP),
             IPop (Reg EBP) ]

-- calls
compileExpr :: Env -> AnfTagE -> Asm
compileExpr env (App f vs _)
    = call (DefFun f) [param env v | v <- vs]

param :: Env -> ImmE -> Arg
param env v = Sized DWordPtr (immArg env v)

call :: Label -> [Arg] -> [Instruction]
call l as = [ IPush a | a <- (reverse as) ]             -- push args in reverse order
          ++ [ ICall l,                                 -- call
               IAdd (Reg ESP) (Const 4*(length as)) ]   -- clear params from stack

Compiling Tail Calls

What about really big recursion, like:

def sumTo(n):
    if n < 1:
        n + sumTo(n - 1)


We can make this tail recursive (the recursive call is the final thing):

def loop(r, i):
    if (0 <= i):
        let rr = r + i,
            ii = i - 1
            loop(rr, ii)

def sumTo(n):
    loop(0, n)


This lets us make the recursive call in place instead of having to make stack frames for each call.

Instead of using call to make the new call, we can just:

  • move the call’s arguments to the same stack position as the current args

  • free current stack space by resetting esp/ebp

  • jump back to the start of the function

mov eax, [ebp-8]    # overwrite i with ii
mov [ebp+12], eax
mov eax, [ebp-4]    # overwrite r with rr
mov [ebp+8],  eax
mov esp, ebp        # "free" stack frame
pop ebp
jmp def_loop        # jump to function start
But to do this, we need to:
  • identify tail calls in the source expr

  • compile the tail calls like this.

But let’s not do that during codegen.

Text =Parse> BareP =Check> BareP =Norm> AnfP =Tag> AnfTagP =Tails> AnfTagTlP =CodeGen> Asm

type BareP   = Program SourceSpan
type AnfP    = Program SourceSpan
type AnfTagP = Program (SourceSpan, Tag)
type AnfTagTlP = Program ((SourceSpan, Tag), Bool)  -- each call is "tail" or not


We need two transforms:

  • 1 to label each call with whether or not it’s a tail call

  • 1 to compile them

Labeling Tail Calls

Expr in non tail positions:
  • Prim1

  • Prim2

  • Let (the bound expression)

  • If (the condition)

Expr in tail positions:
  • If (then/else)

  • Let (body)

So, let’s traverse Expr with a Bool that’s initially True, but toggled to false in non-tail positions. Use this to tail-label at each call. (and all non-calls get False)

-- note: only mark as tail if the function is calling itself recursively!
-- so the bool can only really be True if we're in a Decl
tails :: Expr a -> Expr (a, Bool)
tails = go True
        noTail l z              = z (l, False)
        go _ (Number n l)       = noTail l (Number n)
        go _ (Boolean b l)      = noTail l (Boolean b)
        go _ (Id x l)           = noTail l (Id x)
        go _ (Prim2 o e1 e2 l)  = noTail l (Prim2 o e1' e2')
                [e1', e2']      = go False <$> [e1, e2]         -- prim-args is non-tail
        go b (If c e1 e2 l)     = noTail l (If c' e1' e2')
                c'              = go False c                    -- cond is non-tail
                e1'             = go b e1                       -- then may be tail
                e2'             = go b e2                       -- else may be tail
        go b (Let x e1 e2 l)    = (Let x e1' e2')
                e1'             = go False e1                   -- bound expr is non-tail
                e2'             = go b e2                       -- body may be tail
        go b (App f es l)       = App f es' (l, b)              -- tail label is current flag
                es'             = go False <$> es               -- call args are non-tail


compileExpr :: Env -> AnfTagTlE -> [Instruction]
compileExpr env (App f vs l)
    | isTail l  = tailcall (DefFun f) [param env v | v <- vs]
    | otherwise = call     (DefFun f) [param env v | v <- vs]

tailcall :: Label -> [Arg] -> [Instruction]
tailcall f args
    = moveArgs args     -- overwrite param slots with call args
    ++ exitCode         -- restore ebp and esp
    ++ [IJmp f]         -- jump to start

-- but this ^ has an error!
-- def f(x, y)
--    f(y, x)