Branches and Binary Operators

Let’s add branches and binops!


data Expr =
    -- ...
    | EIf Expr Expr Expr


Treat 0 as false, non-zero as true

if 10:
-- 22

if sub1(1):
-- -1

Quiz: -> 0

Assembly Control Flow

To compile branches, we will use assembly labels - landmarks from which execution can be started from or skipped to

Also, comparisons: cmp a1, a2
  • performs a numeric comparison between the 2 args

  • stores the result in a special processor flag

And jumps: jmp LABEL, je LABEL, jne LABEL
  • uses the result of the flag set by the most recent cmp

Quiz: -> A


if 10:

-- compiles to

    mov eax, 10
    cmp eax, 0
    je  if_false
    mov eax, 22
    jmp if_exit
    mov eax, 33


to compile:

if eCond:

we will:

  1. compile eCond

  2. compare the result in eax to 0

  3. jump if the result is zero to a special false label

  4. otherwise continue into eTrue, then jump to exit label

What about multiple if-statements?

We need a way to generate unique labels for each branch, since assembly can’t reuse labels


data Expr a =
    -- ...
    | EIf (Expr a) (Expr a) (Expr a) a

We add tags of type a for each subexpression (e.g. source-position info for error messages)

Let’s define a name for Tag:

type Tag = Int

and we now use:

type BareE = Expr ()
type TagE  = Expr Tag

Now, extend the assembly:

data Label
    = BranchFalse Tag
    | BranchExit  Tag

data Instruction
    = ...
    | ICmp Arg Arg
    | ILabel Label -- Create a label
    | IJmp Label -- Jump always
    | IJe Label -- Jump if equal
    | IJne Label -- Jump if not-equal



We don’t want the programmer to put in tags, so let’s add a tag step to our pipeline!

> let e = parseStr "if 1: 22 else: 33"

> e
If (Number 1 ()) (Number 22 ()) (Number 33 ()) ()

> label e
If (Number 1 ((),0)) (Number 22 ((),1)) (Number 33 ((),2)) ((),3)
The key work is done by doTag i e:
  1. recursively walk over the BareE (e) starting tagging at counter i

  2. return a pair (i', e') of the updated counter and tagged expr

Quiz: -> D

We can now tag the entire program by calling doTag with the initial counter, and throwing away the final counter.


compile env (If eCond eTrue eFalse i)
    = compile env eCond ++       -- start with the input
    [ICmp (Reg EAX) (Const 0),   -- test if it's false
    IJe (BranchFalse i)] ++      -- if it is, jump to the false label
    compile env eTrue ++         -- otherwise keep doing true
    [IJmp (BranchExit i)] ++     -- then leave
    [ILabel (BranchFalse i)] ++  -- the false label
    compile env eFalse ++        -- do the false
    [ILabel (BranchExit i)]      -- the leave label

Binary Operations

Quiz: -> B


Numbers are easy:

-- 33 - 10
mov eax, 33
sub eax, 10

-- 2 * 2
mov eax, 2
mul eax, 2

If either operand is a number, just use it as a literal

But what about:

let x = 10,
    y = 20,
    z = 30
    x + (y * z)

-- ==

let x = 10,
    y = 20,
    z = 30,
    tmp = y * z
    x + tmp

-- ==

mov eax, 10
mov [ebp-4*1], eax  -- x = 10
mov eax, 20
mov [ebp-4*2], eax  -- y = 20
mov eax, 30
mov [ebp-4*3], eax  -- z = 30

mov eax, [ebp-4*2]  -- y
mul eax, [ebp-4*3]  -- y * z
mov [ebp-4*4], eax  -- tmp = y * z

mov eax, [ebp-4*1]  -- x
add eax, [ebp-4*4]  -- x + tmp

So, if either operand is a variable, just grab it from the stack

Quiz: -> C

But then what about (1 + 2) * (3 + 4)?

Both 1 and x (numbers and variables) are immediate operations - the operand values don’t require any computation

Administrative Normal Form (ANF)

An expression is in ANF if all primitive operations have immediate arguments

Quiz: -> C

Not in ANF: (1 + 2) * (3 + 4)

in ANF:

let t1 = 1 + 2,
    t2 = 3 + 4
    t1 * t2


We can convert any expression to ANF by adding temporary variables for subexpressions, so..

we add a Normalize step to our code pipeline to make things ANF before we get to codegen

Text =Parse> AST =Norm> ANF =Tag> ANF-Tag =CodeGen> ASM


data Prim2 =  -- called prim2 since it takes 2 args
    Plus | Minus | Times

data Expr a =
    | Prim2 Prim2 (Expr a) (Expr a) a

-- so, 2+3 becomes
Prim2 Plus (Number 2 ()) (Number 3 ()) ()

-- assembly:
data Instruction =
    | IAdd Arg Arg
    | ISub Arg Arg
    | IMul Arg Arg


We can define a separate type for ANF, but that’s boring

so let’s write a function that describes immediate code:

isImm :: Expr a -> Bool
isImm (Number _ _) = True
isImm (Var    _ _) = True
isImm _            = False

-- and isANF:
isAnf :: Expr a -> Bool
isAnf (Number      _ _) = True
isAnf (Var         _ _) = True
isAnf (Prim2 _ e1 e2 _) = isImm e1 && isImm e2
isAnf (If   e1 e2 e3 _) = isAnf e2 && isAnf e3
isAnf (Let   x e1 e2 _) = isAnf e2

Now, we define an ANF expression any Expr s.t. isAnf expr -> True.

type BareE   = Expr ()
type AnfE    = Expr ()
type AnfTagE = Expr Tag
type ImmTagE = Expr Tag



Going from AnfTagE to Asm is easy, since both operands for every binop will be an immediate.

compile :: Env -> TagE -> Asm
compile env (Prim2 o v1 v2)
    = [ IMov (Reg EAX) (immArg env v1),
        (prim2 o) (Reg EAX) (immArg env v2) ]

prim2 :: Prim2 -> Arg -> Arg -> Instruction
prim2 Plus = IAdd
prim2 Minus = ISub
prim2 Times = IMul

immArg :: Env -> ImmTag -> Arg
immArg _   (Number n _) = Const n
immArg env (Var    x _) = RegOffset ESP i
        i   = fromMaybe err (lookup x env)
        err = error "unbound variable"

Quiz: -> E

Bare -> ANF

AKA A-Normalization

The base cases are easy:

anf (Number n) = Number n
anf (Var x)    = Var x



Example 1: 1 + 2 + 3 needs to become:

let t1 = 1 + 2
    t1 + 3

Example 2: ((1 + 2) + 3) + 4 becomes

let t1 = 1 + 2,
    t2 = t1 + 3
    t2 + 4

Example 3: ((1 + 2) + 3) + ((4 + 5) + 6) becomes

let t1 = 1 + 2,
    t2 = t1 + 3,
    t3 = 4 + 5,
    t4 = t3 + 6
    t2 + t4
So, let’s write a helper function imm :: BareE -> ([(Id, AnfE)], ImmE), which returns:
  • a pair containing:
    • a list of pairs of ti, ai containing new temp vars bound to ANF exprs

    • an immediate value v

  • such that:

let t1 = a1,
Then, we can:
  1. invoke imm on both the operands

  2. concat the let bindings

  3. apply the binop to the immediates

anf (Prim2 o e1 e2) = lets (b1s ++ b2s) (Prim2 o (Var v1) (Var v2))
        (b1s, v1) = imm e1
        (b2s, v2) = imm e2

lets :: [(Id, AnfE)] -> AnfE -> AnfE
lets [] e          = e
lets ((x,e):bs) e' = Let x e (lets bs e')

-- and lets and ifs are just recursive
anf (Let x e1 e2) = Let x e1' e2'
        e1' = anf e1
        e2' = anf e2

anf (If e1 e2 e3) = If e1' e2' e3'
        e1' = anf e1
        e2' = anf e2
        e3' = anf e3

-- imm
imm :: BareE -> ([(Id, AnfE)], ImmE)
imm (Number n l)    = ( [], Number n l )
imm (Id x l)        = ( [], Id x l )
imm (Prim2 o e1 e2) = ( b1s ++ b2s ++ [(t, Prim2 o v1 v2)]
    , Id t )
        t = makeFreshVar ()
        (b1s, v1) = imm e1
        (b2s, v2) = imm e2
imm e@(If _ _ _)    = immExp e
imm e@(Let _ _ _)   = immExp e

immExp :: AnfE -> ([(Id, AnfE)], ImmE)
immExp e = ([(t, e')], t)
        e' = anf e
        t  = makeFreshVar ()

So what’s up about makeFreshVar?

Well… we’re going to have to pass around a counter.

anf :: Int -> BareE -> (Int, AnfE)
imm :: Int -> AnfE -> (Int, [(Id, AnfE)], ImmE)
-- code not included. Check out the slides, page 20.

fresh :: Int -> (Id, Int)
fresh n = (n+1, "t" ++ show n)